GST Registration

Trademark Renewal

A trademark is any unique expression related to a product or service that distinguishes it from others. This expression could be a word, slogan, photograph, logo, graphic, colour combination, sound or even smell.

A registered trademark has 10 years of validity. After that it needs renewal. You do not need to worry if you forget to renew it as you will receive a prior notice at your registered office regarding the renewal of your trademark. Usually, companies forget to renew their trademark. So, the Registrar informs them regarding the same 6 months before expiration. Still, if there is no action from your side, then Registrar issues a statement which says that your trademark would be removed from Trade Marks Journal. It is a very long process and takes at least 6-12 months after expiration. So before that, you can renew it by just paying the amount of fine to the department.

Trademark Renewal is done by Maheswari Consultancy.

What Is Included In Our Package?
Procedure for Trademarl Assignment
Complete a Simple Form
You are required to fill your details in our simple questionnaire and submit documents.
Application Submission
We will create all the required applications and file them with Registrar.
Your work is completed.
Once , the application is filed , acknowledgement slip of same shall be sent.
Why Trademark Assignment
  • Legal Protection Continues
  • Unique Identity Protected
  • Trust or Goodwill
Why Choose Maheswari Consultancy
We provide fast and Accurate service for affordable fee with money back guarantee.
Centralized System
More Than 7 Years Experience
Save Your Time
Cash Back Guarantee
Frequently Asked Questions

The Trademark Registry has classified goods and services under 45 classes. Your application must mention the class/classes of the goods/services. The trademark would be registered under those classes only.

It is valid for 10 years at a time and is renewable indefinitely.

TM mark can be used with trademark after allotment of TMR number from the government.

A trademark is a mark given to a brand to protect the brand name, Logo or Slogan. A copyright is a Protection given to unique content such as books, music, videos, songs or even software.

The trademark registered under Trademark Act 2000 will be valid only in India. However in some countries trademark registered in India can be used as a base for registering trademark in that country.

Registrations of Company Names, Business Names or Domain Names do not provide ownership or a monopoly right in a name as do trademark registrations.
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